“No Momento” Premiado no Avanca 2018
O documentário de Rui Martins: “No Momento – Vítor da Silva & Design de Imprensa”,que contou com a sua estreia no dia 26 de julho no AVANCA FILM FESTIVAL 2018, em Avanca, Estarreja, foi premiado com o prémio de “Estreia Mundial Televisão”.
O anúncio foi feito no evento de encerramento do festival a 29 de julho de 2018, onde esteve presente o autor. Como é tradição do festival, a atribuição do prémio terá lugar na cerimónia de abertura do Avanca 2019.
ICA – Instituto do Cinema e Audiovisual
7ª Arte
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“In The Moment” Awarded in Avanca Film Festival 2018
Rui Martins documentary: “In The Moment – Vítor da Silva & Newspaper Design“, had its premiere at the AVANCA FILM FESTIVAL 2018, in Avanca, Estarreja, and was awarded with the “Television World Premiere” award.
The documentary portrays the difficulties of the making of newspaper design under the pressure of time, between the 50’s and 70’s. Vítor da Silva created the graphic image of newspapers like the “Expresso” and the “Tempo”, and responsible for the redesign of Diário de Notícias in the 70s.
The announcement was made at the final event of the festival where the author was present. As is the tradition of the festival the award will be delivered at the opening ceremony of the Avanca 2019 edition.